7 Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen your Calf Muscles

Single-Leg Heel Raise: Strengthen your calf muscles with this exercise that assesses and improves concentric calf strength.

Weight-Bearing Lunge Test (Knee-to-Wall Test): Evaluate ankle-joint mobility and symmetry with this simple test to prevent issues like plantar fasciitis.

Double-Leg Heel Raise: Build concentric calf strength by performing full-range-of-motion heel raises to enhance overall lower-leg stability.

Heel-Raise Progression (Two Legs Up, One Leg Down): Develop eccentric calf strength with this advanced variation of heel raises to enhance calf muscle endurance.

Jump Rope: Increase sport-specific muscular endurance and eccentric loading of the calves by incorporating jump rope exercises into your routine.

Walking Lunges with Windmill: Train multidirectional stability in the foot and ankle while focusing on proper mechanics and form.

Roll Out: Promote muscle recovery and improve mobility by performing myofascial release with a lacrosse ball or foam roller after exercise sessions.