7 Best Workouts for Weight Loss, According to Personal Trainers

Jumping Rope: A full-body workout that burns calories efficiently. It improves coordination and cardiovascular health. Beginners can start with fewer sets and gradually increase intensity.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Effective for weight loss due to its calorie-burning capacity even after the workout ends. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods.

Low-intensity Cardio: Safe and effective for all fitness levels. Activities like jogging, cycling, or power walking help burn calories and aid in weight loss. Incorporating light weights or interval training can increase intensity.

Running: Requires no equipment and is excellent for weight loss as it engages large muscle groups like glutes and legs. Adding hill sprints enhances calorie burn and builds leg muscles.

Mountain Climbers: Work the entire body, promoting fat loss, cardiovascular health, and core strength. Aim for 20 reps per day, five days a week, to aid in weight loss.

Strength Workouts: Increase metabolism over time by building muscle tissue. Incorporate low-impact strength exercises targeting large and small muscle groups. Strength training helps sustain fat loss by boosting caloric burn.

Yoga: While not primarily a fat-burning workout, yoga enhances body control, breathing, and focus. These benefits translate into improved performance in other workouts and daily activities, aiding in overall fitness and recovery.